
Murphy, F., Sales, P. and Murphy, S.2017 forthcoming"Examining Social Supply Among a Sample of Nonmedical Prescription Stimulant Users in the San Francisco Bay Area," International Journal for Drug Policy
Novichm M. and Hunt, G.2017 forthcoming"They Can't Search Her: How Gender Imbalance on the Police Force Contributes to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness." Feminist Criminology
Oh, H., Devylder, J. and Hunt, G.2017"Police practices and mental health consequences among African American adults." American Journal of Public Health 107(10)
Novich, M. and Hunt, G. 2017"Trust in Police Motivations During Involuntary Encounters: An Examination of Young Gang Members of Color." Race and Justice: An International Journal. Special Issue on Youth and Policing DOI: 10.1177/2153368717718027
Hunt, G. and Antin, T.2017"Gender and Intoxication: From Masculinity to Intersectionality." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1349733
Hunt, G., Kolind, T. and Antin, T.2017"Conceptualizing Ethnicity in Alcohol and Drug Research: Epidemiology meets Social Theory." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2017.1316223
Kolind, T., S0gaard, T. F., Hunt, G. and Thylstrup, B.2017"Transitional narratives among ethnic minority youth gangs in Denmark: From collectivistic to individualistic modes of identification." Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 18(1):3-19
Hunt, G., and Kolind, T.2017"Researching ethnicity and substances: A contested arena." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24(3):227-229. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1306919
Hess, C., Antin, T., Annechino, R. and Hunt, G.2017"Perceptions of E-Cigarettes among Black Youth in California." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 60; doi:l0.3390/ijerphl4010060
Novich, M. and Hunt, G.2017"Get Off Me: Perceptions of Disrespectful Police Behavior among Ethnic Minority Youth Gang Members." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24(3):248-255. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1239697
Behar E, Rowe C, Santos G-M, Murphy S, Coffin PO.2016"Primary Care Patient Experience with Naloxone Prescription." The Annals of Family Medicine 14(5):431-436.
Antin, T., Annechino, R., Hunt, G., Llppennan-Kreda, S. and Young. M.2016"The Gendered Experience of Smoking Stigma: Implications for Tobacco Control." Journal of Critical Public Health 27(4) DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2016.1249825
Hunt, G. and Frank, V.2016"Intoxication and Pleasure." Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies: Social Science Approaches. Sage
Hunt, G., Antin, T., Bjonness, J. and Ettorre, E.2016"The Increasing Visibility of Gender in the Alcohol and Drug Fields." Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies: Social Science Approaches. Sage
Sales P., Murphy, S. and Averill, S.2015"Ethnographic Studies of Drugs in Communities." Brownstein, H. (ed.), Wiley Handbook on Drugs and Society. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
Lau N., Sales P., Averill S., Murphy F., Sato S. and Murphy S.2015"Responsible and controlled use: Older adult cannabis users and harm reduction." (Editor's Choice) International Journal of Drug Policy 26(8), 709-718
Lau N., Sales P., Averill S., Murphy F., Sato S. and Murphy S.2015"A safer alternative: Cannabis substitution as harm reduction." Drug and Alcohol Review 34(6):654-659
Murphy F., Sales P., Averill S., Lau N., Sato S. and Murphy S.2015"Baby Boomers and Cannabis Delivery Systems." Journal of Drug Issues 45(3): 293-313
Lau, N., Sales, P., Averill, S., Murphy, F., Sato, S. and Murphy, S.2015"Harm reduction Methods of Older Adult Cannabis Users: Minimizing the Risks of Cannabis and Other Drug Use", International Journal of Drug Policy
Ludwick, M., Murphy, S. and Sales, P.2015"Savvy Sellers: Dealing Drugs, Doing Gender, and Doing Difference," Substance Use and Misuse 50:1?13
Murphy, F., Sales, P., Averill, S., Lau, N. Sato, S. and Murphy, S.2015"Baby Boomers and Their Cannabis Delivery Systems," Journal of Drug Issues
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G.2015"Names and Labels: Constructing and contesting Asian American and ethno-national identities in a dance scene." Young 24(3)1-19 DOI: 10.1177/1103308815626346
Antin, T., Lipperman-Kreda, S. and Hunt, G.2015"Tobacco Denormalization as a Public Health Strategy: Implications for Sexual and Gender Minorities" American Journal of Public Health. 105(12): 2426-2429
Moloney, M., Hunt, G. and Joe-Laidler, K.2015"Drug Sales, Gender and Risk: Notions of risk from the perspective of gang-involved young adults." Substance Use and Misuse 50 (6):721-732
Hunt, G., Frank, V. and Moloney, M. (Eds.)2015"Rethinking Gender within Alcohol and Drug Research: Introduction," Substance Use and Misuse Special Issue. 50(6): 685-692
Uhl, A., Hunt, G., van der Brink, W. and Stimson, G.2015"How credible are international Databases for understanding substance use and related problems?" International Journal of Drug Policy 26:119-121
Antin, T., Constantine, N. and G.Hunt2015"Conflicting discourses in qualitative research: The search for divergent data within cases." Field Methods 27(3):211-222
Hunt, G.2015"Thinking about intoxication and its new manifestations." In S.C. Martin (ed.). The Sage Encyclopedia of Alcohol: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives. Sage
Joe-Laidler, K., Hunt, G. and Moloney, M.2014"Tuned out or tuned in: Spirituality and youth drug use in Global times." Past and Present 222 (Supplement 9):61-80
Hunt, G., Moloney, M. and Fazio, A.2014"A cool little buzz:" Alcohol intoxication in the dance club scene." Substance Use and Misuse 49(8):968-981
Mui, H., Sales, P. and Murphy, S.2013"Everybody's Doing It: A Qualitative Study of Initiation to Prescription Drug Use," Journal of Drug Issues 44(3): 236-253
Frank, V., Kolind, T., Elmeland, K., Pedersen, M. and Hunt, G.2013"Multidisciplinary Social Science Drug and Alcohol Research." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 20(6) (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.840453)
Kolind, T., Demant, J. and Hunt, G.2013"Studies in youth, drug and alcohol consumption at the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 20(6) (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.840461)
Joe-Laidler, K. and Hunt, G.2013"Unlocking the spiritual with clubdrugs: A case study of two youth cultures." Substance Use and Misuse 48(12): 1099-1108
Antin, T. and Hunt, G.2013"Embodying both stigma and satisfaction: Messages for obesity prevention targeting young African American women." Critical Public Health 23(1):17-31
Neale, J., Hunt, G., Lankenau, S., Mayock, P., Miller, P.and Sheridan, J.2013"Addiction journal is committed to publishing qualitative research." Addiction 108(3):447-449
Hunt, G. and Barker, J.2013"Sociocultural Anthropology and Alcohol and Drug Research." In S. MacGregor and B. Thom (eds.) Drug and Alcohol Studies: Historical and Cultural Studies Vol. 1. London. Sage
Sales, P., Murphy, S. and Jacinto, C.2012"How Do You Get them to Talk to You? Interviewing Drug Sellers in the San Francisco Bay Area," Substance Use and Misuse, 2012.
Joe-Laidler, K. and Hunt, G.2012"Moving Beyond the Gang-Drug-Violence Connection." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 19(6): 442-452
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G.2012"Consumption, Drugs, and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 19(6): 462-473
Antin, T. and Hunt, G.2012"Food choice as a multidimensional experience: A qualitative study with young African American women." Appetite 58(1 ): 856-863
Sanders, B.,Valdez, A., Hunt, G., Laidler, K. G., Cepeda, A. and Moloney, M.2012"Gang Youth, Risk Behaviors, and Negative Health Outcomes." (pp.113-129). In B. Sanders, Y. Thomas and B.G. Deeds (eds.,) Crime, HIV and Health: Intersection of Criminal Justice and Public Health. Springer
Hunt, G., Moloney, M. and Fazio, A.2011"Embarking on large-scale qualitative research: Reaping the benefits of mixed methods in studying youth, clubs and drugs." Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 28(5/6)
Frank, V. A. and Hunt, G.2011"Social science research into drugs and alcohol." Public Service Review: European Science and Technology Issue 11
Fazio, A., Hunt, G. and Moloney, M.2011"It's One of the Better Drugs to Use: Perceptions of Cocaine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Asian American Men." Qualitative Health Research 21 (5): 625-641
Hunt, G., Fazio, A., MacKenzie, K. and Moloney, M.2011"Food in the Family: Bringing Young People Back In." Appetite 56(2): 394-402
Moloney, M., Hunt, G. and Joe-Laidler, K.2011"Young Mother (in the) Hood: Gang Girls' Negotiation of New Identities." Journal of Youth Studies 14(1):1-19
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin2011"How Asian am I? Asian American youth cultures, drug use and ethnic identity construction." Youth and Society 43: 274-304
Hunt, Geoffrey; Milhet, Maitena and Bergson, H. (eds.)2011Drugs and Culture. Ashgate
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G.2011"Doing Drugs, Gender and Accountability in the World of Raves." In G. Hunt, H. Bergson and M. Milhet (eds.) Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. Ashgate
Hunt, G., Laidler, K., Moloney, M., van de Mheen, D. and van der Poel, A.2011"Dance Drug Scenes: A Global Perspective." In G. Hunt, H. Bergson and M. Milhet (eds.) Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. Ashgate
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G.2010"Ecstasy, Gender and Accountability in a Rave Scene." Sucht Magazin 5: 7-11
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin2010Youth, Drugs, and Night Life: Pleasures, Risks, and Identity, New York, NY: Routledge.
Fazio, Adam; Joe-Laidler, Karen; Moloney, Molly and Hunt, Geoffrey2010"Gender, sexuality, and ethnicity as factors of club drug use among Asian Americans." Journal of Drug Issues.40(2):405-432.
Moloney, M., Hunt, G., Bailey, N. and Erez, G.2009"New forms of Regulating the Nighttime Economy: The Case of San Francisco." In P. Hadfield (ed.) Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in an International Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin2009"Epidemiology meets cultural studies: Studying and understanding youth cultures, clubs and drugs." Addiction, Research and Theory 17(6):601-621.
Sales, Paloma2009"Women in Drug Markets: An Intersectionality Approach to aSociological Theory of Drug Dealing." Dissertation. University of California, San Francisco. Proquest/UMI June 12, 2009 (Publication No. 10112).
Barnes, Donna and Murphy, Sheigla2009"Reproductive decisions for women with HIV: Motherhood's role in envisioning a future." Qualitative Health Research, 19:481-491
Moloney, Molly; Hunt, Geoffrey; Bailey, Noelani and Erez, G.2009"New forms of regulating the night-time economy-- The case of San Francisco." In: P. Hadfield (ed.), Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in International Perspective, pp. 219-236. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Moloney, Molly; MacKenzie, Kathleen; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen2009"The path and promise of fatherhood for gang members." British Journal of Criminology 49(305-325).
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin; Moloney, Molly and Bailey, Noelani2009"Combining different substances in the dance scene: Enhancing pleasure, managing risk and timing effects " Journal of Drug Issues 39(3):
Duterte, M.; Jacinto, Camille; Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla2009"What's in a label?" Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(1): 27-37.
Jacinto, Camille; Duterte, M.; Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla2008"Maximising the highs and minimising the lows: Harm reduction guidance within ecstasy distribution networks." International Journal of Drug Policy, 19(5): 393-400.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin2008"'The great unmentionable': Exploring the pleasures and benefits of ecstasy from the perspectives of drug users." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 15(4): 329-349.
Joe-Laidler, Karen and Hunt, Geoffrey2008"Sit down to float: The cultural meaning of ketamine use in Hong Kong." Addiction Research and Theory 16(3): 259-271.
Moloney, Molly; Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin2008"Asian American identity and drug consumption: From acculturation to normalization." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 7(4): 376-403.
Jacinto, Camille, Duterte, M., Sales, Paloma, and Murphy, Sheigla2008"'I'm not a real dealer': The identity process of ecstasy sellers." Journal of Drug Issues, 38(2): 419-444.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin and Kares, Faith2007"Drug use and meanings of risk and pleasure." Journal of Youth Studies 10(1): 73-96.
Barker, Judith C. and Hunt, Geoffrey2007"Natural recovery in a cross-cultural perspective. " In: H. Klingemann and L. Sobell (eds.), Promoting Self-Change From Addictive Behaviors: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention, and Treatment, pp. 213-237. New York, NY: Springer.
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla2007"San Francisco's freelancing ecstasy dealers: Towards a sociological understanding of drug markets." Journal of Drug Issues, 37(4): 919-950.
Joe-Laidler, Karen; Hunt, Geoffrey, MacKenzie; Kathleen and Evans, Kristin2006"The emergence of clubs and drugs in Hong Kong." In: B. Sanders (ed.), Drugs, Clubs and Young People: Sociological and Public Health Perspectives, pp. 107-120. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin, Wu, E. and Reyes, Alicia2005"Asian American youth, the dance scene, and club drugs." Journal of Drug Issues 35(4): 695-732.
MacKenzie, Kathleen; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen2005"Youth gangs and drugs: The case of marijuana." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 4(3/4): 99-134.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and MacKenzie, Kathleen2005"Moving into motherhood: Gang girls and controlled risk." Youth and Society 36(3): 333-373.
Hunt, Geoffrey P.; MacKenzie, Kathleen and Joe-Laidler, Karen2005"Alcohol and masculinity: The case of ethnic youth gangs." In: T. M. Wilson (ed.), Drinking Cultures: Alcohol and Identity, pp. 225-254. Oxford: Berg.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen2004"Alcohol and violence in the lives of gang members." In: F.-A. Esbensen, S. G. Tibbetts and L. Gaines (eds.), American Youth Gangs at the Millennium, Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Barker, Judith C. and Hunt, Geoffrey2004"Representations of family: A review of the alcohol and drug literature." The International Journal of Drug Policy 15: 347-356.
Murphy, Sheigla; Kelley, Margaret and Lune, Howard2004"The health benefits of secondary syringe exchange." Journal of Drug Issues, 34(2): 245-268.
Schalet, A.; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen2003"Respectability and Autonomy: The Articulation and Meaning of Sexuality among the Girls in the Gang." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32(1): 108-143.
Duterte, M.; Hemphill, Kristin; Murphy, Terrence and Murphy, Sheigla2003"Tragic beauties: Heroin images and heroin users." Contemporary Drug Problems 30(3): 595-617.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin2003"Dancing and drugs: A cross-national exploration." Journal of Contemporary Drug Problems 30 (Winter): 779-814.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and Evans, Kristin2002"The meaning and gendered culture of getting high: Gang girls and drug use issues." Contemporary Drug Problems 29(2): 375-415.
Regen, Marnie; Murphy, Sheigla and Murphy, Terrence2002"Drug users' lay consultation processes: Symptom identification and management," In: Judith Levy, (ed.), Advances in Medical Sociology. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press
Rosenbaum, Marsha2002"Ecstasy: America's new 'reefer madness'." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 34(2):137-142.
Klingemann, H., Sobell, L., Barker, J., Blomqvist, J., Cloud, W., Ellinstad, T., Finfgeld, D., Granfield, R., Hodgings, D., Hunt, Geoffrey, Junker, C., Moggi, F., Peele, S., Smart, R., Sobell, M. and Tucker, J. (eds.)2001Promoting Self-change from Problem Substance Use: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention and Treatment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Barker, Judith C.2001"Socio-cultural anthropology and alcohol and drug research: Towards a unified theory." Social Science and Medicine 53(2): 165-188.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen2001"Situations of violence in the lives of girl gang members." Health Care for Women International 22(4): 363-384.
Kelley, Margaret; Murphy, Sheigla and Lune, Howard2001"A cultural impact of needle exchange: The role of safer injection mentors," Contemporary Drug Problems 28(3): 485-506.
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Murphy, Sheigla2001"How we did the Pregnancy and Drug Use Study," In: Tim Rhodes, (ed.), Qualitative Methods and Drug Research: An International Perspective. London, Routledge.
Murphy, Sheigla and Sales, Paloma2001"Pregnant drug users: Scapegoats of the Reagan/Bush and Clinton era economics," Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, 28(4): 72-95.
Joe-Laidler, Karen and Hunt, Geoffrey2001"Accomplishing femininity among girls in the gang." British Journal of Criminology 41(4): 656-678.
Murphy, Sheigla and Arroyo, Karina2000"Women as judicious consumers of drug markets," Crime Prevention Studies, 11: 101-120.
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla2000"Review: (Fast Lives: Women Who Use Crack Cocaine) by Claire E. Sterk." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 29(2):420-422.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and MacKenzie, Kathleen2000"Chillin', being dogged and getting buzzed: Alcohol in the lives of female gang members." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 7(4): 331-353.
Hunt, Geoffrey; MacKenzie, Kathleen and Joe-Laidler, Karen2000"I'm calling my mom: The meaning of family and kinship among homegirls." Justice Quarterly 17(1): 1-31.
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla2000"Surviving violence: Pregnancy and drug use." Journal of Drug Issues Vol.30 (4) 695-724.
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha1999Pregnant Women on Drugs: Combating Stereotypes and Stigma. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Barker, Judith C.1999"Drug treatment in contemporary anthropology and sociology." European Addiction Research 5(3): 126-132.
Jang, Michael; Lee, Evelyn, and Woo, Kent1998"Income, language, and citizenship status: Factors affecting the health care access and utilization of Chinese Americans", Health and Social Work, 23(2): 136-145
Newmeyer, John and Rosenbaum, Marsha1998"Voices from the trenches: Harm reduction and public policy." Research on Social Policy 6(103-118.
Hunt, Geoffrey1998"Learning to hug: An English anthropologist's experiences in North America." In: P. R. DeVita and J. D. Armstrong (eds.), Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture, Second Edition, pp. 125-138. Belmont, CA: West/Wadsworth.
Rosenbaum, Marsha1998"Just say know to teenagers and marijuana." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Special Issue: Marijuana at the millennium: Medical and social implications. Vol. 30(2):197-203.
Zane, Nolan; Aoki, Bart; Ho, Tamara; Huang, Lillian and Jang, Michael1998"Dosage-related changes in a culturally-responsive prevention program for Asian American youth." Co-published simultaneously in Drugs & Society, 12(1-2): 105-125, and in Substance Abuse Prevention in Multicultural Communities (Eds., Jeanette Valentine, Judith A. De Jong, and Nancy J. Kennedy), pp. 105-125. New York, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc.
Shinagawa, Larry Hajime and Jang, Michael1998Atlas of American Diversity, Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press
Hunt, Geoffrey and Sun, Anna1998"The drug treatment system in the United States: A panacea for the Drug War?" In: H. Klingemann and G. Hunt (eds.), Drug Treatment Systems in an International Perspective: Drugs, Demons and Delinquents, pp. 3-19. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Klingemann, H. and Hunt, Geoffrey (eds.)1998Drug Treatment Systems in an International Perspective: Drugs, Demons and Delinquents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Rosenbaum, Marsha1998""Hustling" within the clinic: Consumer perspectives on methadone maintenance treatment." In: J. A. Inciardi and L. D. Harrison (eds.), Heroin in the Age of Crack-Cocaine, Drugs, Health, and Social Policy Series, Volume 6, pp. 188-214. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Rosenbaum, Marsha1997Women: research and policy. In J.H. Lowinson, P. Ruiz, R.B. Millman, and J.G. Langrod (eds.) Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, pp. 654-665. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins.
Reinarman, Craig; Waldorf, Dan; Murphy, Sheigla B. and Levine, H. G.1997"The contingent call of the pipe: Bingeing and addiction among heavy cocaine smokers." In: C. Reinarman and H. G. Levine (eds.), Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice, pp. 77-97. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Joe-Laidler, Karen A. and Hunt, Geoffrey1997"Violence and social organization in female gangs." Social Justice 24(4): 148-169.
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha1997"Two women who used cocaine too much." In: Reinarman, Craig; Levine, Harry G. (eds.). Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice. (pp. 98-111). Berkeley, CA,: University of California Press. xvi, 388 pp.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe, Karen and Waldorf, Dan1997"Culture and ethnic identity among Southeast Asian gang members." Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 25(1): 9-21.
Morgan, Pat and Joe, Karen A.1997"Uncharted terrain: Contexts of experience among women in the illicit drug economy." Women and Criminal Justice 8(3): 85-109.
Joe-Laidler, Karen A. and Morgan, Pat1997"Kinship and community: The ice crisis in Hawaii." In: H. Klee (ed.), Amphetamine Misuse: International Perspectives on Current Trends, pp. 163-179. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Knight, Kelly Ray; Rosenbaum, Marsha; Kelley, Margaret S. and Irwin, Jeanette.1996"Defunding the poor: The impact of lost access to subsidized methadone maintenance treatment on women injection drug users". Journal of Drug Issues. Vol 26(4: 923-942.
Morgan, Pat and Joe, Karen A.1996"Citizens and outlaws: The private lives and public lifestyles of women in the illicit drug economy." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 125-142.
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Washburn, Allyson; Knight, Kelly, et. al.1996"Treatment as harm reduction, defunding as harm maximization: The case of methadone maintenance." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 28(3: 241-249.
Knight, Kelly R.; Rosenbaum, Marsha; Irwin, Jeanette, et. al.1996"Involuntary versus voluntary detoxification from methadone maintenance treatment: The importance of choice." Addiction Research. Special Issue: Re-inventing methadone: Critical studies. Vol. 3(4: 351-362
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe, Karen and Waldorf, Dan1996"'Drinking, kicking back and gang banging': Alcohol, violence and street gangs." Free Inquiry - Special Issue: Gangs, Drugs and Violence 24(2): 123-132.
Brotherton, David C.1996"The contradictions of suppression: Notes from a study of approaches to gangs in three public high schools." The Urban Review 28(2): 95-117.
Joe, Karen A.1996"The lives and times of Asian-Pacific American women drug users: An ethnographic study of their methamphetamine use." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 199-218.
Jang, Michael1996"HIV/AIDS education and prevention in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities." In Melinda K. Moore and Martin L. Forst (Eds.), Aids Education - Reaching Diverse Populations, pp. 83-96. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers
Brotherton, David C.1996""Smartness," "toughness," and "autonomy": Drug use in the context of gang female delinquency." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 261-277.
Joe, Karen1995"The dynamics of running away, deinstitutionalization policies and the police." Journal of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 46((Summer) 3): 43-55.
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha1995"The rhetoric of reproduction: Pregnancy and drug use." Contemporary Drug Problems 22(Winter): 581-585.
Waldorf, Dan1995"Becoming a heroin addict." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 111-120. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.
Waldorf, Dan1971"Social control in therapeutic communities for the treatment of drug addicts." International Journal of the Addictions 6(1): 29-43.
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Morgan, Pat and Beck, Jerome E.1995"Ethnographic notes on ecstasy use among professionals." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 189-193. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury.
Waldorf, Dan and Murphy, Sheigla1995"Perceived risks and criminal justice pressures on middle class cocaine sellers." Journal of Drug Issues 25(1): 11-32.
Rosenbaum, Marsha1995"The demedicalization of methadone maintenance." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol. 27(2: 145-149
Joe, Karen A.1995"Ice is strong enough for a man but made for a woman: A social cultural analysis of methamphetamine use among Asian Pacific Americans." Crime, Law and Social Change 22(269-289).
Murphy, Sheigla and Waldorf, Dan1995"Kickin' down to the street doc: Shooting galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 268-276. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.
Rosenbaum, Marsha1995"Difficulties in taking care of business." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 133-143. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.
Kearney, Margaret H., Murphy, Sheigla; Irwin, K. and Rosenbaum, Marsha1995"Salvaging self: A grounded theory of pregnancy on crack cocaine," Nursing Research, 44(4): 208-213.
Joe, Karen1995"Delinquency in Chicago during the roaring twenties: Assembling reality in ethnography." Journal of Gang Research 3(1): 19-32.
Reinarman, Craig; Murphy, Sheigla and Waldorf, Dan1994"Pharmacology is not destiny: The contingent character of cocaine abuse and addiction." Addiction Research 2(1): 21-36.
Waldorf, Dan; Murphy, Sheigla and Lauderback, David1994"Middle class cocaine sellers: Self-reported reasons for stopping sales." Addiction Research 2(1): 109-126.
Beck, Jerome and Rosenbaum, Marsha1994Pursuit of Ecstasy: The MDMA Experience, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Kearney, Margaret H.; Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha1994"Learning by losing: Sex and fertility on crack cocaine," Qualitative Health Research, 4(2):142-162.
Joe, Karen1994"The new criminal conspiracy? Asian gangs and organized crime in San Francisco." Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency 31(4): 390-415.
Brotherton, David C.1994"Who do you claim? Gang formations and rivalry in an inner city public high school." Perspectives on Social Problems 5: 147-171.
Joe, Karen1994"Myths and realities of Asian gangs on the West Coast." Humanity and Society 18(2): 3-18.
Kearney, Margaret H.; Murphy, Sheigla and Marsha Rosenbaum.1994"Mothering on crack cocaine: A grounded theory analysis." Social Science and Medicine Vol. 38(2): 351-361.
Wenger, Lynn D. and Rosenbaum, Marsha1994"Drug treatment on demandandemdash;not." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 26(1): pp. 1-11
Joe, Karen1994"The legacy of street corner society and gang research in the 1990s." The Gang Journal 1(4): 45-51.
Murphy, Sheigla1994"Using Qualitative Methods to Evaluate Needle Exchange," Proceedings from the National Research Council Workshop on Needle Exchange and Bleach Distribution Programs, National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press.
Hunt, Geoffrey P.1994"Ethnography and the pursuit of culture: The use of ethnography in evaluating the community partnership program." Journal of Community Psychology, Monograph Series, CSAP Special Issue (52-60).
Klingemann, H.; Takala, Jukka-Pekka and Hunt, Geoffrey1993"The development of alcohol treatment systems: An international perspective." Alcohol Health and Research World 17(3): 221-227.
Waldorf, Dan1993"When the Crips invaded San Francisco - gang migration." The Gang Journal 1(4): 11-16.
Joe, Karen1993"Issues in accessing and studying ethnic youth gangs." The Gang Journal 1(2): 9-23.
Hunt, Geoffrey and Roizen, R.1993"The Unintended Consequences of Planned Social Change: The Case of OSAP's Community Partnership in a Northern California County." In: CSAP Prevention Monograph, No. 14. - Experiences with Community Action Projects: New Research in the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, pp. 218-226.
Hunt, Geoffrey; Riegal, Stevie; Morales, Tomas and Waldorf, Dan1993"Changes in prison culture: Prison gangs and the case of the "Pepsi generation"." Social Problems 40(3): 398-409.
Murphy, Sheigla; Waldorf, Dan and Reinarman, Craig1993"Drifting into dealing: Becoming a cocaine seller." In D. H. Kelly (ed.) Deviant Behavior: A Text-Reader in Sociology of Deviance. New York: St. Martin's Press.
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