Murphy, F., Sales, P. and Murphy, S. | 2017 forthcoming | "Examining Social Supply Among a Sample of Nonmedical Prescription Stimulant Users in the San Francisco Bay Area," International Journal for Drug Policy |
Novichm M. and Hunt, G. | 2017 forthcoming | "They Can't Search Her: How Gender Imbalance on the Police Force Contributes to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness." Feminist Criminology |
Oh, H., Devylder, J. and Hunt, G. | 2017 | "Police practices and mental health consequences among African American adults." American Journal of Public Health 107(10) |
Novich, M. and Hunt, G. | 2017 | "Trust in Police Motivations During Involuntary Encounters: An Examination of Young Gang Members of Color." Race and Justice: An International Journal. Special Issue on Youth and Policing DOI: 10.1177/2153368717718027 |
Hunt, G. and Antin, T. | 2017 | "Gender and Intoxication: From Masculinity to Intersectionality." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1349733 |
Hunt, G., Kolind, T. and Antin, T. | 2017 | "Conceptualizing Ethnicity in Alcohol and Drug Research: Epidemiology meets Social Theory." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2017.1316223 |
Kolind, T., S0gaard, T. F., Hunt, G. and Thylstrup, B. | 2017 | "Transitional narratives among ethnic minority youth gangs in Denmark: From collectivistic to individualistic modes of identification." Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 18(1):3-19 |
Hunt, G., and Kolind, T. | 2017 | "Researching ethnicity and substances: A contested arena." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24(3):227-229. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1306919 |
Hess, C., Antin, T., Annechino, R. and Hunt, G. | 2017 | "Perceptions of E-Cigarettes among Black Youth in California." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 60; doi:l0.3390/ijerphl4010060 |
Novich, M. and Hunt, G. | 2017 | "Get Off Me: Perceptions of Disrespectful Police Behavior among Ethnic Minority Youth Gang Members." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24(3):248-255. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2016.1239697 |
Behar E, Rowe C, Santos G-M, Murphy S, Coffin PO. | 2016 | "Primary Care Patient Experience with Naloxone Prescription." The Annals of Family Medicine 14(5):431-436. |
Antin, T., Annechino, R., Hunt, G., Llppennan-Kreda, S. and Young. M. | 2016 | "The Gendered Experience of Smoking Stigma: Implications for Tobacco Control." Journal of Critical Public Health 27(4) DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2016.1249825 |
Hunt, G. and Frank, V. | 2016 | "Intoxication and Pleasure." Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies: Social Science Approaches. Sage |
Hunt, G., Antin, T., Bjonness, J. and Ettorre, E. | 2016 | "The Increasing Visibility of Gender in the Alcohol and Drug Fields." Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies: Social Science Approaches. Sage |
Sales P., Murphy, S. and Averill, S. | 2015 | "Ethnographic Studies of Drugs in Communities." Brownstein, H. (ed.), Wiley Handbook on Drugs and Society. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. |
Lau N., Sales P., Averill S., Murphy F., Sato S. and Murphy S. | 2015 | "Responsible and controlled use: Older adult cannabis users and harm reduction." (Editor's Choice) International Journal of Drug Policy 26(8), 709-718 |
Lau N., Sales P., Averill S., Murphy F., Sato S. and Murphy S. | 2015 | "A safer alternative: Cannabis substitution as harm reduction." Drug and Alcohol Review 34(6):654-659 |
Murphy F., Sales P., Averill S., Lau N., Sato S. and Murphy S. | 2015 | "Baby Boomers and Cannabis Delivery Systems." Journal of Drug Issues 45(3): 293-313 |
Lau, N., Sales, P., Averill, S., Murphy, F., Sato, S. and Murphy, S. | 2015 | "Harm reduction Methods of Older Adult Cannabis Users: Minimizing the Risks of Cannabis and Other Drug Use", International Journal of Drug Policy |
Ludwick, M., Murphy, S. and Sales, P. | 2015 | "Savvy Sellers: Dealing Drugs, Doing Gender, and Doing Difference," Substance Use and Misuse 50:1?13 |
Murphy, F., Sales, P., Averill, S., Lau, N. Sato, S. and Murphy, S. | 2015 | "Baby Boomers and Their Cannabis Delivery Systems," Journal of Drug Issues |
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G. | 2015 | "Names and Labels: Constructing and contesting Asian American and ethno-national identities in a dance scene." Young 24(3)1-19 DOI: 10.1177/1103308815626346 |
Antin, T., Lipperman-Kreda, S. and Hunt, G. | 2015 | "Tobacco Denormalization as a Public Health Strategy: Implications for Sexual and Gender Minorities" American Journal of Public Health. 105(12): 2426-2429 |
Moloney, M., Hunt, G. and Joe-Laidler, K. | 2015 | "Drug Sales, Gender and Risk: Notions of risk from the perspective of gang-involved young adults." Substance Use and Misuse 50 (6):721-732 |
Hunt, G., Frank, V. and Moloney, M. (Eds.) | 2015 | "Rethinking Gender within Alcohol and Drug Research: Introduction," Substance Use and Misuse Special Issue. 50(6): 685-692 |
Uhl, A., Hunt, G., van der Brink, W. and Stimson, G. | 2015 | "How credible are international Databases for understanding substance use and related problems?" International Journal of Drug Policy 26:119-121 |
Antin, T., Constantine, N. and G.Hunt | 2015 | "Conflicting discourses in qualitative research: The search for divergent data within cases." Field Methods 27(3):211-222 |
Hunt, G. | 2015 | "Thinking about intoxication and its new manifestations." In S.C. Martin (ed.). The Sage Encyclopedia of Alcohol: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives. Sage |
Joe-Laidler, K., Hunt, G. and Moloney, M. | 2014 | "Tuned out or tuned in: Spirituality and youth drug use in Global times." Past and Present 222 (Supplement 9):61-80 |
Hunt, G., Moloney, M. and Fazio, A. | 2014 | "A cool little buzz:" Alcohol intoxication in the dance club scene." Substance Use and Misuse 49(8):968-981 |
Mui, H., Sales, P. and Murphy, S. | 2013 | "Everybody's Doing It: A Qualitative Study of Initiation to Prescription Drug Use," Journal of Drug Issues 44(3): 236-253 |
Frank, V., Kolind, T., Elmeland, K., Pedersen, M. and Hunt, G. | 2013 | "Multidisciplinary Social Science Drug and Alcohol Research." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 20(6) (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.840453) |
Kolind, T., Demant, J. and Hunt, G. | 2013 | "Studies in youth, drug and alcohol consumption at the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 20(6) (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.840461) |
Joe-Laidler, K. and Hunt, G. | 2013 | "Unlocking the spiritual with clubdrugs: A case study of two youth cultures." Substance Use and Misuse 48(12): 1099-1108 |
Antin, T. and Hunt, G. | 2013 | "Embodying both stigma and satisfaction: Messages for obesity prevention targeting young African American women." Critical Public Health 23(1):17-31 |
Neale, J., Hunt, G., Lankenau, S., Mayock, P., Miller, P.and Sheridan, J. | 2013 | "Addiction journal is committed to publishing qualitative research." Addiction 108(3):447-449 |
Hunt, G. and Barker, J. | 2013 | "Sociocultural Anthropology and Alcohol and Drug Research." In S. MacGregor and B. Thom (eds.) Drug and Alcohol Studies: Historical and Cultural Studies Vol. 1. London. Sage |
Sales, P., Murphy, S. and Jacinto, C. | 2012 | "How Do You Get them to Talk to You? Interviewing Drug Sellers in the San Francisco Bay Area," Substance Use and Misuse, 2012. |
Joe-Laidler, K. and Hunt, G. | 2012 | "Moving Beyond the Gang-Drug-Violence Connection." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 19(6): 442-452 |
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G. | 2012 | "Consumption, Drugs, and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures." Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy 19(6): 462-473 |
Antin, T. and Hunt, G. | 2012 | "Food choice as a multidimensional experience: A qualitative study with young African American women." Appetite 58(1 ): 856-863 |
Sanders, B.,Valdez, A., Hunt, G., Laidler, K. G., Cepeda, A. and Moloney, M. | 2012 | "Gang Youth, Risk Behaviors, and Negative Health Outcomes." (pp.113-129). In B. Sanders, Y. Thomas and B.G. Deeds (eds.,) Crime, HIV and Health: Intersection of Criminal Justice and Public Health. Springer |
Hunt, G., Moloney, M. and Fazio, A. | 2011 | "Embarking on large-scale qualitative research: Reaping the benefits of mixed methods in studying youth, clubs and drugs." Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 28(5/6) |
Frank, V. A. and Hunt, G. | 2011 | "Social science research into drugs and alcohol." Public Service Review: European Science and Technology Issue 11 |
Fazio, A., Hunt, G. and Moloney, M. | 2011 | "It's One of the Better Drugs to Use: Perceptions of Cocaine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Asian American Men." Qualitative Health Research 21 (5): 625-641 |
Hunt, G., Fazio, A., MacKenzie, K. and Moloney, M. | 2011 | "Food in the Family: Bringing Young People Back In." Appetite 56(2): 394-402 |
Moloney, M., Hunt, G. and Joe-Laidler, K. | 2011 | "Young Mother (in the) Hood: Gang Girls' Negotiation of New Identities." Journal of Youth Studies 14(1):1-19 |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin | 2011 | "How Asian am I? Asian American youth cultures, drug use and ethnic identity construction." Youth and Society 43: 274-304 |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Milhet, Maitena and Bergson, H. (eds.) | 2011 | Drugs and Culture. Ashgate |
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G. | 2011 | "Doing Drugs, Gender and Accountability in the World of Raves." In G. Hunt, H. Bergson and M. Milhet (eds.) Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. Ashgate |
Hunt, G., Laidler, K., Moloney, M., van de Mheen, D. and van der Poel, A. | 2011 | "Dance Drug Scenes: A Global Perspective." In G. Hunt, H. Bergson and M. Milhet (eds.) Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. Ashgate |
Moloney, M. and Hunt, G. | 2010 | "Ecstasy, Gender and Accountability in a Rave Scene." Sucht Magazin 5: 7-11 |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin | 2010 | Youth, Drugs, and Night Life: Pleasures, Risks, and Identity, New York, NY: Routledge. |
Fazio, Adam; Joe-Laidler, Karen; Moloney, Molly and Hunt, Geoffrey | 2010 | "Gender, sexuality, and ethnicity as factors of club drug use among Asian Americans." Journal of Drug Issues.40(2):405-432. |
Moloney, M., Hunt, G., Bailey, N. and Erez, G. | 2009 | "New forms of Regulating the Nighttime Economy: The Case of San Francisco." In P. Hadfield (ed.) Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in an International Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Moloney, Molly and Evans, Kristin | 2009 | "Epidemiology meets cultural studies: Studying and understanding youth cultures, clubs and drugs." Addiction, Research and Theory 17(6):601-621. |
Sales, Paloma | 2009 | "Women in Drug Markets: An Intersectionality Approach to aSociological Theory of Drug Dealing." Dissertation. University of California, San Francisco. Proquest/UMI June 12, 2009 (Publication No. 10112). |
Barnes, Donna and Murphy, Sheigla | 2009 | "Reproductive decisions for women with HIV: Motherhood's role in envisioning a future." Qualitative Health Research, 19:481-491 |
Moloney, Molly; Hunt, Geoffrey; Bailey, Noelani and Erez, G. | 2009 | "New forms of regulating the night-time economy-- The case of San Francisco." In: P. Hadfield (ed.), Nightlife and Crime: Social Order and Governance in International Perspective, pp. 219-236. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. |
Moloney, Molly; MacKenzie, Kathleen; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2009 | "The path and promise of fatherhood for gang members." British Journal of Criminology 49(305-325). |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin; Moloney, Molly and Bailey, Noelani | 2009 | "Combining different substances in the dance scene: Enhancing pleasure, managing risk and timing effects " Journal of Drug Issues 39(3): |
Duterte, M.; Jacinto, Camille; Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla | 2009 | "What's in a label?" Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(1): 27-37. |
Jacinto, Camille; Duterte, M.; Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla | 2008 | "Maximising the highs and minimising the lows: Harm reduction guidance within ecstasy distribution networks." International Journal of Drug Policy, 19(5): 393-400. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin | 2008 | "'The great unmentionable': Exploring the pleasures and benefits of ecstasy from the perspectives of drug users." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 15(4): 329-349. |
Joe-Laidler, Karen and Hunt, Geoffrey | 2008 | "Sit down to float: The cultural meaning of ketamine use in Hong Kong." Addiction Research and Theory 16(3): 259-271. |
Moloney, Molly; Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin | 2008 | "Asian American identity and drug consumption: From acculturation to normalization." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 7(4): 376-403. |
Jacinto, Camille, Duterte, M., Sales, Paloma, and Murphy, Sheigla | 2008 | "'I'm not a real dealer': The identity process of ecstasy sellers." Journal of Drug Issues, 38(2): 419-444. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin and Kares, Faith | 2007 | "Drug use and meanings of risk and pleasure." Journal of Youth Studies 10(1): 73-96. |
Barker, Judith C. and Hunt, Geoffrey | 2007 | "Natural recovery in a cross-cultural perspective. " In: H. Klingemann and L. Sobell (eds.), Promoting Self-Change From Addictive Behaviors: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention, and Treatment, pp. 213-237. New York, NY: Springer. |
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla | 2007 | "San Francisco's freelancing ecstasy dealers: Towards a sociological understanding of drug markets." Journal of Drug Issues, 37(4): 919-950. |
Joe-Laidler, Karen; Hunt, Geoffrey, MacKenzie; Kathleen and Evans, Kristin | 2006 | "The emergence of clubs and drugs in Hong Kong." In: B. Sanders (ed.), Drugs, Clubs and Young People: Sociological and Public Health Perspectives, pp. 107-120. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Evans, Kristin, Wu, E. and Reyes, Alicia | 2005 | "Asian American youth, the dance scene, and club drugs." Journal of Drug Issues 35(4): 695-732. |
MacKenzie, Kathleen; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2005 | "Youth gangs and drugs: The case of marijuana." Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 4(3/4): 99-134. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and MacKenzie, Kathleen | 2005 | "Moving into motherhood: Gang girls and controlled risk." Youth and Society 36(3): 333-373. |
Hunt, Geoffrey P.; MacKenzie, Kathleen and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2005 | "Alcohol and masculinity: The case of ethnic youth gangs." In: T. M. Wilson (ed.), Drinking Cultures: Alcohol and Identity, pp. 225-254. Oxford: Berg. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2004 | "Alcohol and violence in the lives of gang members." In: F.-A. Esbensen, S. G. Tibbetts and L. Gaines (eds.), American Youth Gangs at the Millennium, Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. |
Barker, Judith C. and Hunt, Geoffrey | 2004 | "Representations of family: A review of the alcohol and drug literature." The International Journal of Drug Policy 15: 347-356. |
Murphy, Sheigla; Kelley, Margaret and Lune, Howard | 2004 | "The health benefits of secondary syringe exchange." Journal of Drug Issues, 34(2): 245-268. |
Schalet, A.; Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2003 | "Respectability and Autonomy: The Articulation and Meaning of Sexuality among the Girls in the Gang." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32(1): 108-143. |
Duterte, M.; Hemphill, Kristin; Murphy, Terrence and Murphy, Sheigla | 2003 | "Tragic beauties: Heroin images and heroin users." Contemporary Drug Problems 30(3): 595-617. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Evans, Kristin | 2003 | "Dancing and drugs: A cross-national exploration." Journal of Contemporary Drug Problems 30 (Winter): 779-814. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and Evans, Kristin | 2002 | "The meaning and gendered culture of getting high: Gang girls and drug use issues." Contemporary Drug Problems 29(2): 375-415. |
Regen, Marnie; Murphy, Sheigla and Murphy, Terrence | 2002 | "Drug users' lay consultation processes: Symptom identification and management," In: Judith Levy, (ed.), Advances in Medical Sociology. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 2002 | "Ecstasy: America's new 'reefer madness'." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 34(2):137-142. |
Klingemann, H., Sobell, L., Barker, J., Blomqvist, J., Cloud, W., Ellinstad, T., Finfgeld, D., Granfield, R., Hodgings, D., Hunt, Geoffrey, Junker, C., Moggi, F., Peele, S., Smart, R., Sobell, M. and Tucker, J. (eds.) | 2001 | Promoting Self-change from Problem Substance Use: Practical Implications for Policy, Prevention and Treatment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Barker, Judith C. | 2001 | "Socio-cultural anthropology and alcohol and drug research: Towards a unified theory." Social Science and Medicine 53(2): 165-188. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2001 | "Situations of violence in the lives of girl gang members." Health Care for Women International 22(4): 363-384. |
Kelley, Margaret; Murphy, Sheigla and Lune, Howard | 2001 | "A cultural impact of needle exchange: The role of safer injection mentors," Contemporary Drug Problems 28(3): 485-506. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Murphy, Sheigla | 2001 | "How we did the Pregnancy and Drug Use Study," In: Tim Rhodes, (ed.), Qualitative Methods and Drug Research: An International Perspective. London, Routledge. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Sales, Paloma | 2001 | "Pregnant drug users: Scapegoats of the Reagan/Bush and Clinton era economics," Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, 28(4): 72-95. |
Joe-Laidler, Karen and Hunt, Geoffrey | 2001 | "Accomplishing femininity among girls in the gang." British Journal of Criminology 41(4): 656-678. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Arroyo, Karina | 2000 | "Women as judicious consumers of drug markets," Crime Prevention Studies, 11: 101-120. |
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla | 2000 | "Review: (Fast Lives: Women Who Use Crack Cocaine) by Claire E. Sterk." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 29(2):420-422. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen and MacKenzie, Kathleen | 2000 | "Chillin', being dogged and getting buzzed: Alcohol in the lives of female gang members." Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 7(4): 331-353. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; MacKenzie, Kathleen and Joe-Laidler, Karen | 2000 | "I'm calling my mom: The meaning of family and kinship among homegirls." Justice Quarterly 17(1): 1-31. |
Sales, Paloma and Murphy, Sheigla | 2000 | "Surviving violence: Pregnancy and drug use." Journal of Drug Issues Vol.30 (4) 695-724. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1999 | Pregnant Women on Drugs: Combating Stereotypes and Stigma. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Barker, Judith C. | 1999 | "Drug treatment in contemporary anthropology and sociology." European Addiction Research 5(3): 126-132. |
Jang, Michael; Lee, Evelyn, and Woo, Kent | 1998 | "Income, language, and citizenship status: Factors affecting the health care access and utilization of Chinese Americans", Health and Social Work, 23(2): 136-145 |
Newmeyer, John and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1998 | "Voices from the trenches: Harm reduction and public policy." Research on Social Policy 6(103-118. |
Hunt, Geoffrey | 1998 | "Learning to hug: An English anthropologist's experiences in North America." In: P. R. DeVita and J. D. Armstrong (eds.), Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture, Second Edition, pp. 125-138. Belmont, CA: West/Wadsworth. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1998 | "Just say know to teenagers and marijuana." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Special Issue: Marijuana at the millennium: Medical and social implications. Vol. 30(2):197-203. |
Zane, Nolan; Aoki, Bart; Ho, Tamara; Huang, Lillian and Jang, Michael | 1998 | "Dosage-related changes in a culturally-responsive prevention program for Asian American youth." Co-published simultaneously in Drugs & Society, 12(1-2): 105-125, and in Substance Abuse Prevention in Multicultural Communities (Eds., Jeanette Valentine, Judith A. De Jong, and Nancy J. Kennedy), pp. 105-125. New York, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc. |
Shinagawa, Larry Hajime and Jang, Michael | 1998 | Atlas of American Diversity, Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Sun, Anna | 1998 | "The drug treatment system in the United States: A panacea for the Drug War?" In: H. Klingemann and G. Hunt (eds.), Drug Treatment Systems in an International Perspective: Drugs, Demons and Delinquents, pp. 3-19. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Klingemann, H. and Hunt, Geoffrey (eds.) | 1998 | Drug Treatment Systems in an International Perspective: Drugs, Demons and Delinquents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1998 | ""Hustling" within the clinic: Consumer perspectives on methadone maintenance treatment." In: J. A. Inciardi and L. D. Harrison (eds.), Heroin in the Age of Crack-Cocaine, Drugs, Health, and Social Policy Series, Volume 6, pp. 188-214. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1997 | Women: research and policy. In J.H. Lowinson, P. Ruiz, R.B. Millman, and J.G. Langrod (eds.) Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, pp. 654-665. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins. |
Reinarman, Craig; Waldorf, Dan; Murphy, Sheigla B. and Levine, H. G. | 1997 | "The contingent call of the pipe: Bingeing and addiction among heavy cocaine smokers." In: C. Reinarman and H. G. Levine (eds.), Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice, pp. 77-97. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. |
Joe-Laidler, Karen A. and Hunt, Geoffrey | 1997 | "Violence and social organization in female gangs." Social Justice 24(4): 148-169. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1997 | "Two women who used cocaine too much." In: Reinarman, Craig; Levine, Harry G. (eds.). Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice. (pp. 98-111). Berkeley, CA,: University of California Press. xvi, 388 pp. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe, Karen and Waldorf, Dan | 1997 | "Culture and ethnic identity among Southeast Asian gang members." Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 25(1): 9-21. |
Morgan, Pat and Joe, Karen A. | 1997 | "Uncharted terrain: Contexts of experience among women in the illicit drug economy." Women and Criminal Justice 8(3): 85-109. |
Joe-Laidler, Karen A. and Morgan, Pat | 1997 | "Kinship and community: The ice crisis in Hawaii." In: H. Klee (ed.), Amphetamine Misuse: International Perspectives on Current Trends, pp. 163-179. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. |
Knight, Kelly Ray; Rosenbaum, Marsha; Kelley, Margaret S. and Irwin, Jeanette. | 1996 | "Defunding the poor: The impact of lost access to subsidized methadone maintenance treatment on women injection drug users". Journal of Drug Issues. Vol 26(4: 923-942. |
Morgan, Pat and Joe, Karen A. | 1996 | "Citizens and outlaws: The private lives and public lifestyles of women in the illicit drug economy." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 125-142. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Washburn, Allyson; Knight, Kelly, et. al. | 1996 | "Treatment as harm reduction, defunding as harm maximization: The case of methadone maintenance." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 28(3: 241-249. |
Knight, Kelly R.; Rosenbaum, Marsha; Irwin, Jeanette, et. al. | 1996 | "Involuntary versus voluntary detoxification from methadone maintenance treatment: The importance of choice." Addiction Research. Special Issue: Re-inventing methadone: Critical studies. Vol. 3(4: 351-362 |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe, Karen and Waldorf, Dan | 1996 | "'Drinking, kicking back and gang banging': Alcohol, violence and street gangs." Free Inquiry - Special Issue: Gangs, Drugs and Violence 24(2): 123-132. |
Brotherton, David C. | 1996 | "The contradictions of suppression: Notes from a study of approaches to gangs in three public high schools." The Urban Review 28(2): 95-117. |
Joe, Karen A. | 1996 | "The lives and times of Asian-Pacific American women drug users: An ethnographic study of their methamphetamine use." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 199-218. |
Jang, Michael | 1996 | "HIV/AIDS education and prevention in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities." In Melinda K. Moore and Martin L. Forst (Eds.), Aids Education - Reaching Diverse Populations, pp. 83-96. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers |
Brotherton, David C. | 1996 | ""Smartness," "toughness," and "autonomy": Drug use in the context of gang female delinquency." Journal of Drug Issues 26(1): 261-277. |
Joe, Karen | 1995 | "The dynamics of running away, deinstitutionalization policies and the police." Journal of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 46((Summer) 3): 43-55. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1995 | "The rhetoric of reproduction: Pregnancy and drug use." Contemporary Drug Problems 22(Winter): 581-585. |
Waldorf, Dan | 1995 | "Becoming a heroin addict." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 111-120. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company. |
Waldorf, Dan | 1971 | "Social control in therapeutic communities for the treatment of drug addicts." International Journal of the Addictions 6(1): 29-43. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Morgan, Pat and Beck, Jerome E. | 1995 | "Ethnographic notes on ecstasy use among professionals." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 189-193. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury. |
Waldorf, Dan and Murphy, Sheigla | 1995 | "Perceived risks and criminal justice pressures on middle class cocaine sellers." Journal of Drug Issues 25(1): 11-32. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1995 | "The demedicalization of methadone maintenance." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol. 27(2: 145-149 |
Joe, Karen A. | 1995 | "Ice is strong enough for a man but made for a woman: A social cultural analysis of methamphetamine use among Asian Pacific Americans." Crime, Law and Social Change 22(269-289). |
Murphy, Sheigla and Waldorf, Dan | 1995 | "Kickin' down to the street doc: Shooting galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 268-276. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1995 | "Difficulties in taking care of business." In: J. A. Inciardi and K. McElrath (eds.), The American Drug Scene: An Anthology, pp. 133-143. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company. |
Kearney, Margaret H., Murphy, Sheigla; Irwin, K. and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1995 | "Salvaging self: A grounded theory of pregnancy on crack cocaine," Nursing Research, 44(4): 208-213. |
Joe, Karen | 1995 | "Delinquency in Chicago during the roaring twenties: Assembling reality in ethnography." Journal of Gang Research 3(1): 19-32. |
Reinarman, Craig; Murphy, Sheigla and Waldorf, Dan | 1994 | "Pharmacology is not destiny: The contingent character of cocaine abuse and addiction." Addiction Research 2(1): 21-36. |
Waldorf, Dan; Murphy, Sheigla and Lauderback, David | 1994 | "Middle class cocaine sellers: Self-reported reasons for stopping sales." Addiction Research 2(1): 109-126. |
Beck, Jerome and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1994 | Pursuit of Ecstasy: The MDMA Experience, Albany: State University of New York Press. |
Kearney, Margaret H.; Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1994 | "Learning by losing: Sex and fertility on crack cocaine," Qualitative Health Research, 4(2):142-162. |
Joe, Karen | 1994 | "The new criminal conspiracy? Asian gangs and organized crime in San Francisco." Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency 31(4): 390-415. |
Brotherton, David C. | 1994 | "Who do you claim? Gang formations and rivalry in an inner city public high school." Perspectives on Social Problems 5: 147-171. |
Joe, Karen | 1994 | "Myths and realities of Asian gangs on the West Coast." Humanity and Society 18(2): 3-18. |
Kearney, Margaret H.; Murphy, Sheigla and Marsha Rosenbaum. | 1994 | "Mothering on crack cocaine: A grounded theory analysis." Social Science and Medicine Vol. 38(2): 351-361. |
Wenger, Lynn D. and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1994 | "Drug treatment on demandandemdash;not." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 26(1): pp. 1-11 |
Joe, Karen | 1994 | "The legacy of street corner society and gang research in the 1990s." The Gang Journal 1(4): 45-51. |
Murphy, Sheigla | 1994 | "Using Qualitative Methods to Evaluate Needle Exchange," Proceedings from the National Research Council Workshop on Needle Exchange and Bleach Distribution Programs, National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press. |
Hunt, Geoffrey P. | 1994 | "Ethnography and the pursuit of culture: The use of ethnography in evaluating the community partnership program." Journal of Community Psychology, Monograph Series, CSAP Special Issue (52-60). |
Klingemann, H.; Takala, Jukka-Pekka and Hunt, Geoffrey | 1993 | "The development of alcohol treatment systems: An international perspective." Alcohol Health and Research World 17(3): 221-227. |
Waldorf, Dan | 1993 | "When the Crips invaded San Francisco - gang migration." The Gang Journal 1(4): 11-16. |
Joe, Karen | 1993 | "Issues in accessing and studying ethnic youth gangs." The Gang Journal 1(2): 9-23. |
Hunt, Geoffrey and Roizen, R. | 1993 | "The Unintended Consequences of Planned Social Change: The Case of OSAP's Community Partnership in a Northern California County." In: CSAP Prevention Monograph, No. 14. - Experiences with Community Action Projects: New Research in the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, pp. 218-226. |
Hunt, Geoffrey; Riegal, Stevie; Morales, Tomas and Waldorf, Dan | 1993 | "Changes in prison culture: Prison gangs and the case of the "Pepsi generation"." Social Problems 40(3): 398-409. |
Murphy, Sheigla; Waldorf, Dan and Reinarman, Craig | 1993 | "Drifting into dealing: Becoming a cocaine seller." In D. H. Kelly (ed.) Deviant Behavior: A Text-Reader in Sociology of Deviance. New York: St. Martin's Press. |
Joe, Karen | 1993 | "Getting into the gang: Methodological issues in studying ethnic gangs." In: M. D. L. Rosa and J. L. R. Adrados (eds.), Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth: Advances in Research and Methodology, NIDA Research Monograph 130, pp. 234-257. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse. |
Lauderback, David and Waldorf, Dan | 1993 | "What ever happened to ice: The latest drug scare." Journal of Drug Issues 23(4): 597-613. |
Waldorf, Dan | 1993 | "Don't be your own best customer: Drug use of San Francisco gang drug sellers." Crime, Law and Social Change 19(1): 1-15. |
Hunt, Geoffrey | 1993 | "Recent developments in drug and alcohol prevention policy in the U.S.: A case of strange Bedfellows." Alcologia 5(1): 11-20. |
Klingemann, H.; Takala, Jukka-Pekka and Hunt, Geoffrey (eds.) | 1992 | Cure, Care, or Control: Alcoholism Treatment in Sixteen Countries. SUNY series in New Social Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Albany: State University of New York Press. |
Toy, Calvin | 1992 | "A short history of Asian gangs in San Francisco." Justice Quarterly 9(4): 601-619. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1992 | Women who use cocaine too much: Smoking crack vs. snorting cocaine. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 24(4):pp. 381-388 |
Toy, Calvin | 1992 | "Coming out to play: Reasons to join and participate in Asian gangs." The Gang Journal 1(1): 13-29. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Irwin, Jeanette | 1992 | "Living with the dirty secret: Problems of disclosure for methadone maintenance clients," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 24(3):257-264. |
Lauderback, David; Hansen, Joy and Waldorf, Dan | 1992 | "Sisters are doin' it for themselves: A Black female gang in San Francisco." Gang Journal 1(1): 57-72. |
Waldorf, Dan; Reinarman, Craig and Murphy, Sheigla | 1991 | Cocaine Changes: The Experience of Using and Quitting, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1991 | "Why MDMA should not have been made illegal." In: Inciardi, James A. The Drug Legalization Debate. Studies in crime, law and justice, Vol. 7. (pp. 135-146). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc. 230 pp. |
Murphy, Sheigla and Waldorf, Dan | 1991 | "Kicking down to the street doc: Shooting galleries in the San Francisco Bay area." Contemporary Drug Problems 28(1):9-29. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Doblin, Rick | 1991 | "Why MDMA should not have been made illegal." In: J. A. Inciardi (ed.), The Drug Legalization Debate, pp. 135-146. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1991 | "Staying off methadone maintenance." Vol. 23(3): 251-260. |
Beck, Jerome and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1990 | "The scheduling of MDMA ('ecstasy')." In: J. Inciardi (ed.), The Handbook of Drug Control in the United States, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. |
Waldorf, Dan and Murphy, Sheigla | 1990 | "Intravenous drug use and syringe-sharing practices of call men and hustlers." In: M. Plant (ed.), AIDS, Drugs, and Prostitution, pp. 109-131. London: Routledge. |
Murphy, Sheigla; Waldorf, Dan and Reinarman, Craig | 1990 | "Drifting into dealing: Becoming a cocaine seller." Qualitative Sociology 13(4): 321-343. |
Waldorf, Dan; Reinarman, Craig and Murphy, Sheigla | 1990 | "Needle sharing, shooting galleries, and AIDS risks among intravenous drug users in San Francisco: Criminal justice and public health policy," Criminal Justice Policy Review, 3(4):391-406 |
Jang, Michael; Forst, Martin and Moore, Melina | 1990 | "AIDS education and prevention programs for intravenous drug users: The California experience," Journal of Drug Education, 20(1): 1-13 |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1990 | Just Say What? An Alternative View on Solving America's Drug Problem, The Lindesmith Center. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Murphy, Sheigla | 1990 | "Women and addiction: Process, treatment and outcome." In E.Y. Lambert (ed.), The Collection and Interpretation of Data from Hidden Populations, National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph #98, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Murphy, Sheigla | 1990 | "Opiates." In: Engs, Ruth C. Alcohol and Drug Problems Association. Women: Alcohol and other drugs. (pp. 111-117). Dubuque, IA, US: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. xiv, 173 pp. |
Forst, Martin; Moore, Melina and Jang, Michael | 1990 | "Issues in the evaluation of AIDS education programs," Evaluation and the Health Professions, 13(2): 147-167 |
Murphy, Sheigla; Reinarman, Craig, and Waldorf, Dan | 1989 | "An 11 year follow-up of a network of cocaine users," British Journal of the Addictions, 84(4):427-436. |
Jang, Michael | 1989 | "AIDS education: the California experience," AIDS and Public Policy Journal, 40(2): 92-100 |
Estep, Rhoda and Waldorf, Dan | 1989 | "Safe and unsafe sex conditions among male street hustlers and call men." In: B. H. Schneider and J. Huber (eds.), Culture and Social Relations in the AIDS Crisis, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications |
Murphy, Sheigla, and Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1988 | "Money for methadone: II. Unintended consequences of limited-duration methadone maintenance." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol 20(4): 397-402. |
Reinarman, Craig, Waldorf, Dan and Murphy, Sheigla B. | 1988 | "Scapegoating and social control in the construction of a public problem: Empirical and critical findings on cocaine and work." In: S. Spitzer and A. T. Scull (eds.), Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control, Vol. 9, pp. 37-62. Greenwich, CT: Jai Press Ltd. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Irwin, J. and Murphy, Sheigla | 1988 | "De facto destabilization as policy: The impact of short-term methadone maintenance." Contemporary Drug Problems Vol 15(4):(491-517. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha; Murphy, Sheigla, and Beck, Jerome | 1987 | "Money for methadone: Preliminary findings from a study of Alameda County's new maintenance policy." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 19(1): 13-19. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha and Murphy, Sheigla | 1987 | "Not the picture of health: Women on methadone." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 19(2): 217-226 |
Rosenbaum, Marsha, and Murphy, Sheigla | 1984 | "Always a junkie? The arduous task of getting off methadone maintenance." Journal of Drug Issues Vol.14(3): 527-552. |
Waldorf, Dan | 1983 | "Natural recovery from opiate addiction: Some social-psychological processes of untreated recovery." Journal of Drug Issues 83(2): 237-280. |
Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1981 | Women on Heroin, First Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press |
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Rosenbaum, Marsha | 1981 | "Women addicts' experience of the heroin world." Urban Life 10(1): 65-91. |
Biernacki, Patrick and Waldorf, Dan | 1981 | "Snowball sampling: Problems and techniques of chain referral sampling." Sociological Methods and Research 10(2): 141-163. |
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