We are looking for social science researchers to conduct innovative research projects. If you are a social scientist with research experience and a doctoral degree in one of the major social science disciplines, you are welcome to submit a proposal package to ISA. The proposal package should include the following:
- a brief cover letter explaining how you heard about ISA, why ISA is the appropriate institution for your proposed project, what current institutional and professional affiliations you hold, and what your commitment to the proposed project will be;
- an up-to-date curriculum vitae or resume indicating all relevant research, writing, and academic experience;
- a concise concept letter containing the following:
- a brief description of the proposed project;
- a discussion of the ways in which the proposed project will contribute to existing research in the field;
- an explanation of the relevance of your experience and training to the proposed research area;
- an outline of proposed methods for data collection and analysis.
Each proposal package will be evaluated on the basis of researcher qualifications and experience, project feasibility, conformity to ISA research interests, and fundability. All submissions will be acknowledged. Researchers whose proposals match ISA’s criteria and interests will be invited to develop and submit a grant proposal with consultation from ISA’s research staff. Some proposals may warrant suggestions for revision and re-submission.
Please send your proposal package to:
Michael H. Jang, Director
Institute for Scientific Analysis
390 Fourth Street
First Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107