Gay/Bisexual Asian and Asian American Men! Get $65 cash for participating in research on the party scene!
The Institute for Scientific Analysis is a non-profit academic research institute. We are conducting face-to-face interviews for CHAMP – the Clubs, Health and Asian American Men Project – a sociological research study on ethnic identity, sexuality, the culture of the club/dance scenes and the culture of drug use.
The interview is completely confidential and no identifying information will be associated with it. If you participate in the interview, you will receive $65 for your time. Interview appointments will be individually arranged, and we will do our best to work with your schedule. The data will be used only for academic and research purposes, and most of the results will be published in academic journals and presented at sociology/youth culture conferences.
- Gay/Bi men from all Asian ethnic backgrounds, including Japanese, Koreans, Indians, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Chinese, Filipinos, Thais, all south and southeast Asians, and others
- Be between the ages of 18 and 35
- You should currently reside in the greater Bay Area
- Some past or current experience with drugs, at least within the last couple of years
- Experience in the dance/party scene (clubs, bars or other types of parties)
For more information, please call our office at 510.865.6225 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 510.865.6225 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or e-mail us at:
We need to speak with each person who wants to participate so we can describe the interview process and ask a few questions to determine eligibility. You are welcome to call to find out more about the study before you decide if you want to participate. We are available by phone Monday through Friday during business hours, but you can always leave us a message and we will get back to you. We can arrange to talk to you outside of normal business hours if necessary, and interviews themselves can also be conducted outside of business hours.